1. List events from the story in chronological order.
1.1. time of events
1.1.1. Write down prediction before reading, then discuss what happened after reading students already know how to read , Now they will make predictions about the events in the story
1.2. sequencing
1.2.1. use handouts or graphic organizers The students can already identify what happened in the story, now they need to be able to put all of the events in order
1.2.2. Give signal words students are able to count in order. Now they will be able to put events in sequential order using words such as first, second, next, last
2. Use key details to retell the story.
2.1. describe
2.1.1. Read aloud with partner The students can already tell you the plot, now they need to be able to retell the story from beginning to end without looking at the text.
2.2. retell
2.2.1. Ask Question, have students answer with part of the question in the answer Students already can answer simple questions with simple answers. Now they will make their sentences longer.
3. use key details from the text to describe setting of the story.
3.1. describe
3.1.1. Make connections students already know about their home/school/town now they can compare where they live to the place in the story.
3.1.2. highlight unknown words Students know simple vocab and sight words, put new unknown words on the board or overhead.
3.2. details
3.2.1. Use pictures from text: Visuals They can already identify WHERE the story happens, now they will describe it using adjectives and nouns with visual reminders
4. Use key details from the text to describe the characters in the story.
4.1. describe
4.1.1. Use sentence starters The first graders can already name the characters, now they have to describe them (looks, clothing, personality)
4.1.2. Make connections The students know what they look like, what they like and what their family members look like/personality, now they can connect the two and identify similarities and differences between themselves and the characters.
4.2. main characters
4.2.1. Venn Diagram: to compare/contrast characters already able to identify/name who the characters are, this activity should get them to compare and contrast details about each character