by Tashika Law

1. Photosynthesis
1.1. food making process
1.1.1. carbon dioxide passes through stomata
1.1.2. water travels to the leaves
1.1.3. chlorophyll absorbs sun's energy
1.1.4. hydrogen &oxygen formed
1.1.5. oxygen released
1.1.6. make food with hydrogen and carbon dioxide
1.1.7. store rest of the food
2. parts
2.1. leaf
2.1.1. uses sunlight to make food
2.2. stem
2.2.1. water and nutrient travel back and forth from leaves to roots; hold up
2.3. roots
2.3.1. soak up nutrients and water from the soil and anchor
2.4. flower
2.4.1. the reproductive part of the plant
3. what they need to grow
3.1. air
3.1.1. uses its carbon dioxide to make food
3.2. space
3.2.1. to grow
3.3. sunlight
3.3.1. to help make food
3.4. soil
3.4.1. for nutrients and water
3.5. water
3.5.1. provide moisture