Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

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Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo por Mind Map: Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

1. India Opal Buloni

1.1. Kind

1.1.1. Has a sweet smile and doesn't judge others

1.1.2. Changes others lives with kindness, and in return they change hers.

1.2. Lonely

1.2.1. Left all her friends behind in the move

1.2.2. Mother left them and father is too busy to be a father.

1.3. Persistent

1.3.1. Consistently asks for more information about her mother

1.3.2. Tries new things and gets to know people

2. The Preacher

2.1. Generous

2.1.1. Gives his time into being a preacher

2.2. Sad

2.2.1. His wife left him and Opal

2.2.2. He misses his wife

2.3. Closed Off/Strict

2.3.1. He wants Opal to obey the rule

2.3.2. Doesn't talk to people or leave the house a lot

3. Miss Franny Block

3.1. Lonely

3.1.1. Never Married

3.1.2. Friends and Family died

3.2. Sorrowful

3.2.1. Stopped sharing her stories

3.2.2. No one cares about her and she is always alone in her cottage

3.3. Sweetness

3.3.1. Opal and Winn-Dixie help her find sweetness in her life by sharing her stories.

3.3.2. Littmus Lozenges

4. Winn-Dixie

4.1. Friendly

4.1.1. He makes friends wherever he goes

4.1.2. He helps Opal make friends

4.2. Smiley

4.2.1. Smiles from ear to ear with all his teeth

4.2.2. Makes other people smile!

4.3. Scared/Lonely

4.3.1. Scared of Thunderstorms

4.3.2. Doesn't like to be left alone

5. Gloria Dump

5.1. Wise

5.1.1. She has a lot of stories

5.1.2. She has learned a lot in her life

5.2. Elderly

5.2.1. She has wrinkles

5.3. No teeth but has fake ones to eat with

5.4. Good Listener

5.4.1. She is blind

5.4.2. She sees and listens with her heart!

6. Otis

6.1. Quiet

6.1.1. Social Anxiety

6.1.2. Doesn't like to talk

6.2. Scared

6.2.1. Scared more of people than they are of him

6.2.2. Would play his guitar to get over his fear, but that was taken from him.

6.3. Lonely

6.3.1. Was sent to jail

6.3.2. Pretends to like animals more than people

7. Let's Winn-Dixie stay with them