Why is zika mostly in Brazil

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Why is zika mostly in Brazil by Mind Map: Why is zika mostly in Brazil

1. Reasons That could result why Brazil has the most zika mosquitos

1.1. It is a very poor country

1.2. It has a lot of rubbish this gives it more places for mosquitos to lay eggs when it rains

1.3. It rains alot

2. Where is/has been zika very active

2.1. Brazil

2.2. papua new guena

2.3. Singapore

2.4. South America

2.5. Uganda

3. History of zika

3.1. First seen in Uganda 1947 on monkeys

3.2. First human gets infected in Uganda 1952

3.3. normal mosquitos can have zika and also dengue at the same time

4. What are they doing to stop it

4.1. Researches research the villages where there have been zika mosquitos

4.2. They try to kill the mosquitoes with poison