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Brain by Mind Map: Brain

1. A. Brain Stem

1.1. 1. Medulla oblongata: Controls heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing; relays information

1.2. 2. Pons: Controls breathing, relays information

1.3. 3. Midbrain: Reflex centers, relays information, controls automatic skeletal muscle movements.

1.4. 4. Reticular Formation: Maintains consciousness; regulates muscle tone.

2. D. Diencephalon

2.1. 1. Epithalamus

2.2. 2. Thalamus: main relay stations for senses and motor signals.

2.3. 3. Hypothalamus: Maintains homeostasis.

3. B. Cerebellum

3.1. 1.Controls complex movements and balance

4. C. Cerebrum

4.1. 1. Receives sensory info and interprets it; initiates movement; generates thoughts and emotions; stores memories; responsible for personality traits and intelligence.

4.2. 2. Frontal lobe: primary motor area. 2B: Broca's area: speech.

4.3. 3. Parietal lobes: Primary somatosensory (touch) area.

4.4. 4. Temporal lobes: Hearing, smell

4.5. 5. Occipital lobe: vision

4.6. 6. Insula: taste, memory

4.7. 7. Basal Nuclei: Influence complex automatic movements; affects short-term memory.

4.8. 8. Limbic System: Pain and pleasure center; memory; smell

4.9. 9. Wernicke's area: Interprets language