Future views on SEN policy

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Future views on SEN policy by Mind Map: Future views on SEN policy

1. Special schools

1.1. Re-established?

2. PRUs

3. Primary

3.1. AfA students made "significantly better progress"

3.2. New node

4. Secondary

4.1. Absenteeism reduced from 12% to 3.5%

4.2. Harder to reach parents but can be very effective method of engaging them

4.3. New node

5. ICT policy and practice

5.1. Communication

5.2. Data collection and use

6. National media interest, at last

7. Lamb - focus needed on outcomes rather than processes

8. New focus on parental involvement

8.1. Structured conversations

8.2. Positive approach to dealing with students and their parents

8.3. new information about parents and dmaily interests that help tp motivate learners

8.4. Making positive rather than negative contact

8.4.1. Use of texting and/email

8.4.2. New node

9. See Green paper March 2011

9.1. Leadership

9.2. Good teaching and learning

9.3. Early identification

9.4. Parental engagement

9.5. http://www.education.gov.uk/inthenews/inthenews/a0064379/sen-and-disability-green-paper-government-calls-for-views

10. The value of leaders especially head teachers in developing good practice

10.1. Key elemant of AfA is the support from SLTs - The school ethos must reflect the 3A's - Achievement, Access and Aspirations

11. focusing on outcomes not processes- reducing the need for large meetings about process

11.1. More use of data which is month to month not year to year

11.2. Tracking carefully used . Not 32 different measures but just one hoilistic measure that gives valuable detail- reported centrally- very simple system

11.3. Teachers have full access to the data

11.3.1. Not just attainment data but other contextualised data to enable all teachers working with the child to alter and refine provision.

12. Funding to schools depends on the need in the school currently. But is is not the money it is the mind set

12.1. Mindset to be that 'Provision is basedon NEED and not Label


13.1. A radical approach which is vital because 20% pupils fall into this category

13.2. OFSTED have been involved in this process

13.2.1. schools moving from Satisfactory to Good under new freamework - Impact of AfA to make Care Guidance & Support 'Outstanding'

14. New node

15. Lorraine Petersenhttp://www.mirandanet.ac.uk/ftp/Session_4_AfA_Conference.pptx