Chapter 1 Introduction to IHL

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Chapter 1 Introduction to IHL da Mind Map: Chapter 1 Introduction to IHL

1. 1.7 Wrap-up interview

1.1. Interview with Marco Sassòli

2. 1.6 International Human Rights VS International Humanitarian Law

2.1. 1.6.1 Introduction

2.1.1. Links

2.1.2. Discussion "Human Rights Law vs IHL"

2.2. 1.6.2 Human Rights Law in armed conflict: legal obstacles?

2.2.1. Potential obstacles to the application of HRL in armed conflict

2.2.2. Article 2 of The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights + Explanation

2.2.3. MCQ

2.3. 1.6.3 Similarities and differences

2.3.1. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child

2.3.2. Similar but different

2.3.3. MCQ

2.4. 1.6.4 Potential conflicts and solutions

2.4.1. Explanation

2.5. 1.6.5 Cross interpretations and "humanitarization" at the international level

2.5.1. Cross interpretations and humanitarization at the international level

2.5.2. General comment n°31 of the Human Rights Committee

2.5.3. T/F

2.6. 1.6.6 "Humanitarization" at the regional level: America and Africa

2.6.1. Explanation Links General comment n°3 on the right to life

2.6.2. MCQ

2.7. 1.6.7 "Humanitarization" at the regional level: Europe

2.7.1. Explanation Link The Hassan Case Article 5 of the ECHR Article 31, 3, c of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

2.7.2. T/F

2.8. 1.6.8 "Humanization" of International Humanitarian Law

2.8.1. Explanation Krnojelac, judgment (2002) Common Article 3 of the four Geneva Convention, Hamdan v. Rumsfeld case (2006) Article 21 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court

2.8.2. T/F

2.9. 1.6.9 Salient problems

2.9.1. The use of lethal force: IHL and HRL paradigms

2.9.2. General comment n°3 of the African Commission of Human and Peoples’ Rights

2.9.3. MCQ

2.9.4. Human rights law and armed groups

2.9.5. T/F

3. 1.5 Jus ad bellum VS Jus in bello

3.1. 1.5.1 Introduction

3.1.1. Links

3.2. 1.5.2 Historical overview

3.2.1. Explanation

3.2.2. The rise of the idea of asymetrical application of IHL

3.2.3. T/F

3.2.4. Explanation

3.2.5. MCQ

3.2.6. From WWI to the present day

3.2.7. T/F

3.3. 1.5.3 The principles of equality and separation

3.3.1. Explanation 2 articles

3.3.2. Extract "The judgment of Fonfana and Kondewa"

3.3.3. MCQ

3.4. 1.5.4. Are there exceptions?

3.5. 1.5.5 Can jus ad bellum still affect jus in bello?

3.5.1. Influence of jus ad bellum on jus in bello?

3.5.2. T/F

3.5.3. Explanation 1996 Advisory Opinion

3.5.4. Extract "The dissenting opinion of Judge Koroma"

3.5.5. T/F

3.6. 1.5.6 Can violations of the jus in bello affect the jus ad bellum?

3.6.1. Explanation 1996 Advisory Opinion

3.6.2. Statement made by France

3.6.3. T/F

3.6.4. Influence of jus in bello on jus ad bellum?

3.6.5. T/F

4. 1.4 History of International Humanitarian Law

4.1. 1.4.1 Introduction

4.2. 1.4.2 Pre-modern developments

4.2.1. Explanation

4.2.2. Further reading: "Historical Developments and Legal Basis" (C. Greenwood)

4.3. 1.4.3 The development of a legal regime regulating warfare at sea

4.3.1. Explanation 1856 Declaration of Paris

4.3.2. T/F

4.4. 1.4.4 The Lieber Code and early attempts at codification

4.4.1. The Lieber Code

4.4.2. T/F

4.5. 1.4.5 The creation of the Red Cross

4.5.1. The birth of the Red Cross

4.5.2. The ICRC website

4.5.3. MCQ

4.6. 1.4.6 1945 to the present day

4.6.1. The current core of IHL treaties

4.6.2. MCQ

5. 1.3 Law and armed conflicts

5.1. 1.3.1 Introduction

5.2. 1.3.2 The paradox of law in conflict

5.2.1. What do you think? 2 extracts

5.2.2. Survey "The idea of regulating International Law"

5.2.3. Discussion

5.2.4. A two-fold paradox

5.3. 1.3.3 Is international humanitarian law really law?

5.3.1. Survey "International Humanitarian Law is..."

5.3.2. Discussion

5.3.3. Is IHL really law?

5.3.4. Further reading about the legal status of IHL"

6. 1.2 What is International Humanitarian Law?

6.1. 1.2.1 What do you think?

6.1.1. Wordcloud

6.2. 1.2.2 What's in a name?

6.2.1. The various titles of IHL

6.2.2. T/F

6.2.3. T/F

6.3. 1.2.3 Overview of the content and structure of the course

6.3.1. General overview of the course

7. 1.1 Introduction

7.1. 1.1.1 Introduction

7.2. 1.1.2 Mindmap Chapter 1