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Eportfolio by Mind Map: Eportfolio

1. Analyze

1.1. I think that I did a good job in class participation because I was active the whole partial.

1.2. All my assignments were handed-in properly and in time. I worked hard and all the time this partial.

1.3. Honestly, I'm giving my best because it's my last semester in Prepa Tec Celaya so I want to end everything with quality.

1.4. The teacher has been really helpful because she encourages me to give my best at the class. She answers all my questions and she's always giving us creative ways to do things.

2. Progress

2.1. With the project I learned important things like how to do a radio show. I also learned things like new vocabulary and I improved my speaking abilities.

2.2. The partial taught me a lot about feature stories and interesting things that are relevant in the actual world.

3. Reflection

3.1. Where and how I can use the learned structures:

3.2. Vocabulary: I can use the vocabulary that i learnt when speaking with someone in English. I can also use it when writing something in English for another class.

3.3. Grammar: I can use the grammar that I acquired when writing something in English and also when speaking with someone else because you have to use the correct grammar to speak properly.

4. Opinion

4.1. I think that the project was really good. It helped me to practice my speaking abilities and also to appreciate the work of radio workers.

4.2. The reading was really interesting. It was heartbreaking to read the stories of some immigrants that had it difficult when going to the US.

4.3. I love the media that we are using. Classroom is an amazing and easy-to-use tool. Padlet and google sites are really good as well because you can get creative in those.