The Fourteenth Amendment

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The Fourteenth Amendment by Mind Map: The Fourteenth Amendment

1. Court cases

1.1. 1972 Mills v Board of Ed. District of Columbia

1.1.1. Ruled, states are responsible for educating children with disabilities

1.2. 2015 Obergefell v Hodges

1.2.1. Ruled state laws banning same sex marriage, were unconstitutional

1.3. 2001 Supreme Court case

1.3.1. Court favored 11th amendment over 14th amendment. Ruled there are limits to how the ADA can be applied

1.4. Plessy v Ferguson

1.4.1. Plessy was arrested for sitting in white section and said it was a violation of his 14th amendment

1.4.2. Court said it was seperate but equal so it wasn't a violation but in reality, facilities weren't equal.

1.5. Dred Scott v Sandford

1.5.1. Dred Scott was an enslaved person who's owner died. He sued for his freedom

1.5.2. Court said, since he was a salve, he had no rights which meant he couldn't sue. Court also said he'd never have any rights.

1.6. Brown v Board of Education

1.6.1. Ended segregation of African Americans and whites in all public schools.

2. Origins

2.1. Dred Scott decision

2.1.1. Supreme Court judges said that since Scott was a slave he didn't have any rights; therefore, he couldn't sue.

2.2. Plessy v ferguson

2.2.1. Court page don attention and said facilities were seperate but equal so there was no problem, but things were far from equal.

3. Against it

3.1. Black codes

3.1.1. Passed by southern states which limited the rights of African America states

4. Effects

4.1. Equal pay act

4.1.1. Made it illegal for employers to pay women less than men for doing the same work

4.2. 1967 Loving v Virginia

4.2.1. Ruled Virginia ban on interracial marriage unconstitutional. Made same sex marriage legal.

4.3. 1975 Voting rights act

4.3.1. Enforced Fifteenth amendment which outlawed denial of voting based on race including literacy tests

4.3.2. 15th amendment Protected African Americans right to vote

4.4. 1972 Indian Education act

4.4.1. Gave money to Native American schools to improve education.

4.5. Equal protection clause

4.5.1. Changed the life of many. Says no state can deny anyone equal protection of the laws

4.6. Americans with disabilities act

4.6.1. Forbade discrimination in any public area against people with disabilities

4.7. Individuals with disabilities act

4.7.1. States that student with disabilities get individualized plans to meet their needs

4.8. 1964 Civil rights act

4.8.1. Would put an end to ALL forms of descrimination based on race, religion, or sex