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Useful por Mind Map: Useful

1. Antonyms Useless: 1. of no use; not serving the purpose or any purpose; unavailing or futile: It is useless to reason with him. 2. without useful qualities; of no practical good:

2. 10 Words Happy Boring Useful Beautiful Growth Bashful Angry Spiteful Evil Wretched

3. Antonym Imagery: Broken window

4. The banana is a great example of how perspective can create different meaning of the word useful. For someone looking to bake banana bread the browned banana is not trash, it is treasure.

5. For some people guns are useful. For me, a gun is not a very useful tool but some people rely on guns to hunt for food. That is an example of where an object is subjectively useful.

6. Useful: 1. being of use or service; serving some purpose; advantageous, helpful, or of good effect: a useful member of society. 2. of practical use, as for doing work; producing material results; supplying common needs. Synonyms: profitable, efficacious, beneficial.

7. Once my children grew up I was no longer useful to them.

8. Imagery: Bees Worms Can opener Banana in different stages Toilet

9. Bees Pollinate Worms help decompose A can opener is a great tool A banana is useful at every stage for different purposes The toilet is undervalued and taken for granted