Chapter 4 : Customer Behaviour

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Chapter 4 : Customer Behaviour by Mind Map: Chapter 4 : Customer Behaviour

1. 4.2 : Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behaviour

2. 4.1 : Model of the Consumer Behaviour.

3. Consumer Buyer Behaviour: The buying behaviour of final sonsumers, individuals and household who buy ythe goods and service.

4. Consumer customer :Final consumers combine to make uo the consumer market.

5. Factors Influecing Consumer Behaviour

5.1. CULTURAL : - culture

5.2. SOCIAL : - Reference Groups


5.4. PSYCHOLOGICAL:- Learning

6. 4.3 : Types of Buying Decision Behaviour

7. Four Types of Buying Behaviour :

7.1. Complex buying behaviour

7.2. Variety- seeking buying behaviour

7.3. Dissonance- reducing buying behaviour

7.4. Habitual buying behaviour

8. 4.4 : The Buyer Decision

9. Purchase Decision- 2 FACTORS that can come between the purchase intention and purchase decision

9.1. Attitudes of others

9.2. Unexpected situation factors

10. Information sources

10.1. Personal sources : Family ,friends, neighbours

10.2. Commercial sources: Advertising, wedsite

10.3. Public sources: Mass media, internet searches

10.4. Experiential sources: Habding, examining

11. 4.5 : The Buyer Decision Process for New Products

12. Stage in the adoption process

12.1. 1.Awareness

12.2. 2.Interest

12.3. 3.Evaluation

12.4. 4. Trial

12.5. 5.Adoption

13. The 5 Adopter Categories

13.1. 1. Innovators - They try new ideas at risk

13.2. 2. Early adopters- They are opinion leaders in their communities and adopted new ideas but carefully

13.3. 3. Early majority- They rarely are leaders they adopt new ideas before average person

13.4. 4. Divisibility - The degree to which the innovation may be tried on a limited basis

13.5. 5. Communicability- The degree to which the results of using the innovation can be observed or described to others