CHAPTER 5: Consumer Markets & Consumer Buyer Behavior

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CHAPTER 5: Consumer Markets & Consumer Buyer Behavior por Mind Map: CHAPTER 5: Consumer Markets & Consumer Buyer Behavior

1. Types of Buying Decision Behavior

1.1. Complex Buying Behavior

1.2. Dissonance-reducing Buying Behavior

1.3. Variety-seeking Buying Behavior

1.4. Habitual Buying Behavior

2. The Buyer Decision Process

2.1. Need recognition

2.2. Information Search

2.3. Evaluation of Alternatives

2.4. Purchase Decision

2.5. Post-purchase Behavior

3. The Buyer Decision Process for New Products

3.1. Awareness

3.2. Interest

3.3. Evaluation

3.4. Trial

3.5. Adoption

4. Model of Consumer Behavior

4.1. Marketing

4.1.1. 4P

4.2. Other Stimuli

4.2.1. external factors

4.3. Buyer's black box

4.3.1. Characteristics

4.3.2. Decision Process

4.4. Buyer responses

4.4.1. Buying attitudes

4.4.2. Purchase Behavior

5. Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior

5.1. Cultural

5.1.1. Culture

5.1.2. Subculture

5.1.3. Social class

5.2. Social

5.2.1. Reference group

5.2.2. Family

5.2.3. Roles & Status

5.3. Personal

5.3.1. Age

5.3.2. Occupation

5.3.3. Lifestyle

5.4. Psychological

5.4.1. Motivation

5.4.2. Perception

5.4.3. Attitude