Thomas More's Utopia

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Thomas More's Utopia by Mind Map: Thomas More's Utopia

1. Utpoia Christian Synthesis

1.1. The Christian aspect of the synthesis is Christ's gospel of caring for the poor, the oppressed and the downtrodden

1.2. The Platonic, Republican tradition is the Greek aspect of the synthesis

1.3. More wrote Utopia with a comedic tone, allowing him to speak his truth while telling deeper story

2. Property division

2.1. Utopia contrasts the contentious social life of European states with the perfectly orderly, reasonable social arrangements of Utopia and its environs (Tallstoria, Nolandia, and Aircastle). In Utopia, with communal ownership of land, private property does not exist,

3. Slavery

3.1. New node

4. Happiness

5. Social Critique

6. Overview

6.1. Thomas More's Utopia is a Christian-humanist view of an ideal society

6.2. More does not simply offer a theoretical view, but provides specific for how to create this world

6.3. Utopia offers a Christianized form of Plato's Republic

7. Use of humor and parody

7.1. it is impossible to create a utopian society

7.2. "Utopia" is derived from the Greek words ou (οὐ), "not", and topos (τόπος), "place", with the suffix -iā (-ία) that is typical of toponyms; hence Outopía (Οὐτοπία; Latinized as Ūtopia, with stress on the second syllable), "no-place-land".

8. Working Life

8.1. men and women alike and their is complete religious tolerance