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Career Paths by Mind Map: Career Paths

1. Path #2

1.1. What I had before: Film Actor

1.1.1. What I have now: Film Actor Why? I decided to keep my decision from before. I have a love for acting and being in the theatre, but from my volunteer work I also see that I have valuable skills handling tech (sound and lighting). I think all of these skills would be great assets if I decide to pursue acting. Education? The obvious choices for grade 11 and 12 courses are acting and musical theatre. Some other skills, and knowledge, that could be helpful as an actor are: IT classes, and a science course such as psychology could be helpful in learning more about how the human mind works (which can be used as a tool in acting).

2. Path #1

2.1. What I have before: Forensic Anothropologist

2.1.1. What I have now: Anthropologist Why? I decided to change my decision to anthropologist because I realized, based on my interests and volunteer work, that I am very inclined to learn about different cultures. Being an anthropologist would still be similar to a forensic anthropologist, just with a focus on history and cultures around the world. Education? My choices for grade 11 and 12 classes wouldn't be too different from forensic anthropology to anthropology. I would end up taking more social studies courses, such as: history, law, and social justice. I would still take the same science courses: chemistry, physics, biology.