Formative Assessment Tools

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Formative Assessment Tools by Mind Map: Formative Assessment Tools

1. Classkick

1.1. This app allows teachers to post assignments for students so both the teacher and peers can provide feedback on the assignment. Students can monitor their progress and work

2. Coggle

2.1. A mind mapping tool designed to understand student thinking.

3. ConcepBoard

3.1. This software facilitates team collaboration in a visual format – similar to mind mapping, but using visual and textual inputs. Compatible on tablets and PCs, Conceptboard can work from multiple devices.

4. ExitTicket

4.1. This app offers teachers the opportunity to poll, test, or survey what students know in quizzes called tickets. This tool is best for gathering simple feedback about what students know and don’t know, and is useful for pre-assessment as well as an exit ticket

5. GoFormative

5.1. This online, all-student response system provides teachers the opportunity to assign activities to students, receive the results in real time, and then provide immediate feedback to students.

6. Kahoot

6.1. A game-based classroom response system, where teachers can create quizzes using Internet content.

7. XMind

7.1. A mind mapping software for use on computers and laptops.

8. MindMapping

9. TitanPad

9.1. This unique tool for collaborative work offers 8 colors to choose from so that each contributor may use a different color. You can easily imagine group work, be it peer review or peer editing for starters, can be made interactive

10. TodaysMeet

10.1. This online collaboration tool allows educators to create a “room” in which students can share ideas, answers and thoughts to lectures and lessons. Educators can view student responses in real time for evidence of learning.

11. AudioNote

11.1. A combination of a voice recorder and notepad that captures both audio and notes for student collaboration

12. GoogleForms

12.1. A Google Drive app that allows you to create documents that students can collaborate on in real time using smartphones, tablets and laptops.

13. Jot

13.1. Use like individual whiteboards to express ideas and understanding.

14. Lino

14.1. A virtual corkboard of sticky-notes so students can provide questions or comments on their learning. These can be used like exit tickets or during the course of a lesson.

15. Naiku

15.1. Teachers can easily and quickly create quizzes that students can answer using their mobile device. Great for checking for understanding before and after a lesson.

16. Tablet/Cell phone Use

16.1. Socrative

16.1.1. Engaging exercises and games that engage students using smartphones, laptops and tablets.

17. Padlet

17.1. Provides an essentially blank canvas for students to create and design collaborative projects. Great for brainstorming.

18. Plickers

18.1. Allows teachers to collect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices. Perfect for the one-device classroom.

19. Quizlet

19.1. Create flashcards, tests, quizzes and study games that are engaging and accessible online and via a mobile device.

20. ThinkBinder

20.1. collaboration tool that allows students to ask questions and discuss topics in a group, share, create and work together on almost any project.

21. Voicethread

21.1. Allows you to create and share conversations on documents, diagrams, videos, pictures or almost anything. This facilitates collaborative student discussion and work.

22. Vocaroo

22.1. A free service that allows users to create audio recordings without the need for software. You can easily embed the recording into slide shows, presentations, or websites. Great for collaborative group work and presentations.

23. Audio