by Hassh Viny

1. Legal Forms of Business Organization?
1.1. Sole proprietorship: Business owned by one person and operated for his or her own profit.
1.2. Partnership: Business owned by two or more people and operated for profit.
1.3. Corporation is an entity created by law. The owners of corporation are its stockholders
2.1. C
2.1.1. Advantages Unlimited life Easy transfer of ownership Limited liability (losses are limited to the actual fund invested). Ease of raising capital
2.1.2. Disadvantages Double taxation – earning taxed at corporate level and then any earning paid out as dividends are taxed again as income to stockholders Cost of set-up and report filing are more complex and time consuming
2.2. P&P
2.2.1. Advantages Ease of formation Subject to few regulations No corporate income taxes
2.2.2. Disadvantages Difficult to raise capital Unlimited liability (looses that exceed the money that has been invested) Limited to the life of the individual who created it