DNA transcription and translation
by Sergio Fabian
1. Translation
1.1. Process of translating the sequence of a messenger RNA (mRNA) during the synthesis of protein
1.1.1. The genetic code describes the relationship between the sequence of base pairs in a gene and the corresponding amino acid sequence that it encodes. In the cell Cytoplsms, the rebosom read the secuences of mRna in bases of three pairs and form the protein.
2. Prokariotic Translation
2.1. Occurs in 70 ribosomes
2.2. Also occurs in the cytoplasm
2.3. mRna is Polycistronic
2.4. Initiation codon is usually AUG, occasionally GUG or UUG.
2.5. It is a faster process, adds about 20 amino acids per second.
3. Eukariotic Translation
3.1. Occurs in 80 ribosomes
3.2. Occurs in the nucleus of the cell
3.3. mRNA is Monocistronic
3.4. Initiation codon is AUG. occasionally GUG or CUG.
4. Prokariotic transciption
4.1. occurs in the Cytoplams
4.2. A single mRNA polimerase synthesis the three tipes of RNA.
4.2.1. Messenger RNA
4.2.2. Ribosomal RNA
4.2.3. Transfer RNA
4.3. Transcriptionl units has one o more genes
4.3.1. Polycistronic
4.4. In the initiation of Transcription do not need any proteins.
5. transcription
5.1. process of making an RNA copy of a gene sequence. it is called messenger RNA (mRNA)
5.1.1. The mRNA molecule leaves the nucleus of the cell and enters to the cytoplasm. It directs the synthesis of protein
6. Eukariotic Transcription
6.1. Occurs on the nucleus of the cell
6.2. The Rna polimerases I,II,III synthezises the tree tipes of RNA.
6.2.1. Messenger RNA
6.2.2. Ribosomal RNA
6.2.3. Transfer RNA
6.3. Initiation of transcription requires proteins called transcription factor.
6.4. Transcriptional units have only one gene.
6.4.1. Monocistronic