Organization Development

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Organization Development by Mind Map: Organization Development

1. Knowledge and learning

2. Strategic management process

2.1. Business continuity

3. Strategic

3.1. Strategic fit

3.1.1. Ecosystem

3.1.2. Aligned

3.1.3. Adaptable

3.1.4. ...

3.2. Strategic thinking

3.2.1. Envisioning and planning a workable fit

3.2.2. SWOT-analysis -Internal -External

3.2.3. Simplified strategic cycle

3.3. Strategic management level

3.3.1. Questions every manager should ask

3.3.2. SWOT-analysis

3.3.3. Company profile -General info

4. Examples of change

5. Current Situation

5.1. Change strategy

5.1.1. Desired future situation

6. Continuous improvement

6.1. Concepts

6.2. Requirement

6.3. Continuous improvement cycle

7. Efficiency: minimum use of resources

8. Planned strategy:

8.1. Realized strategy

9. grouping of tasks and peoples in larger units

10. Organizing & Financing

10.1. Planning supportive structures and systems

10.2. Budgeting and finding sources

10.3. providing the processes for handling transactions in a standard way

10.4. Implementing & Executing

10.4.1. Emergent strategy Realized strategy

11. Controlling & Improving

11.1. Control system

11.1.1. Help narrow goal-performance gaps

11.1.2. Measure outcomes and behavior

11.2. KPI(Key Performance Indicators)

11.2.1. show how well an objective is being met over a specific time

11.2.2. can be counted and compared

11.2.3. it is used to determine the success or failure of strategy

11.2.4. the health of the business

11.3. Financial performance & sustainability

11.4. Managerial goals

11.4.1. Necessary for business continuity and investments

11.4.2. Productivity

11.4.3. Effectiveness

11.4.4. Satisfaction

11.4.5. Overal satisfaction

11.4.6. Ability to adapt and keep the strategic fit with todays and tomorrows market