
Possible categories for white 2

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White2 by Mind Map: White2

1. Relationships

1.1. Making a phone call inviting a friend to a party.

1.2. Meeting someone at the party. Asking personal information such as star sign, birthday, marital stastus, etc.

2. Travel

3. Health

4. Shopping

4.1. Clothes

4.2. Car

4.3. Furniture

5. Legal Issues

6. Sports

7. Immigration

8. Transportation

9. Work

9.1. Job Interview

9.2. Filling Out Job Applications

9.3. Hiring An Employee

9.4. Firing An Employee

9.5. Schedule a meeting

10. Home

10.1. Rooms of the House

11. Food

11.1. Recipes

12. Animals

13. Money

13.1. Learning how to use american money, things like... quater, dime, penny, bucks.

14. Heroes

15. Music

15.1. Likes and Dislikes

16. Religion