Slider Down Upload

Slider Down Upload by Lawrence Romero Vigeowebsite - Manual

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Slider Down Upload por Mind Map: Slider Down Upload

1. Upload

1.1. Select Save to upload slider down image

1.2. Dashboard verify your slider down

1.3. If all OK then slider dow image uploaded

1.4. Actions to Details, Edit or Delete the slider down

2. Slider Down option

2.1. Login to Dashboard

2.2. Expand Home

2.3. You can see the Slider Down option

3. New Slider Down Image

3.1. Click Slider Down to display the screen

3.2. Select New Slider Down Image

3.3. You will see the New Slider Down Image screen

3.4. Select the Order of appearance

3.5. Enter an Image Title

3.6. Select Add Image

4. Image File

4.1. You will see the Open/Abrir Image File

4.2. Select Image file and click Open/Abrir

4.3. If all OK you will see the image file size