MindMapping in Medicine

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MindMapping in Medicine by Mind Map: MindMapping in Medicine

1. Anatomy

1.1. Nervous system

2. Physiology

2.1. Endocrine System

2.2. Physiologie du corps humain

2.3. cellular respiration

3. Pathology

3.1. Mind maps pathology (2013)

3.2. Mind Maps in Pathology

3.2.1. Mindmap Mindmeister

3.3. Hypertension

3.4. Appendicite aigue

4. Therapy


4.2. Occupational therapy

4.3. Pharmacology - Antiepileptics

5. Occupational Medicine and Safety

5.1. Organizations (2017)

5.2. ILO Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety

5.2.1. mindmap Minmeister

6. Mindmaps on line

6.1. Biggerplate

6.1.1. Biggerplate medicine mindmaps group

6.1.2. TEDx SanFrancisco Session 4 - Eric Topol

6.1.3. présentation du Docteur Pablo BUITRON sur les applications du mind mapping en médecine au Biggerplate 2016

6.2. http://www.myfinalsnotes.com/

6.2.1. medicine notes

6.3. ConceptDraw

6.3.1. Education - Medicine

6.4. Mindjet Player

6.4.1. http://medicalmindmaps.com/

6.5. Mindmeister

6.5.1. Evidence Based Medicine

6.5.2. Mindmaps en santé au travail

6.6. Mindomo

6.6.1. Ressources en ligne en santé

6.7. TheBrain

6.7.1. Santé & travail

6.7.2. les maladies professionnelles en France

6.8. http://mindmappedia.com/

7. Bibliography

7.1. Mind Maps as a New Teaching Strategy for Medical Students , volume 3 Issue 3 - 2017

7.2. The New Applications of Mind Mapping in Medicine,Jose M Guerrero, 2015

7.3. Mindmapping for Medical Students (SlideShare) 2012

7.4. Books

7.4.1. Mind Maps for Medical Students Clinical Specialties 1st Edition by Olivia Smith (Author) mars 2017

7.4.2. Introduction to the Applications of Mind Mapping in Medicine (2015) written by José M. Guerrero and Pilar Ramo

7.4.3. Mind Maps for Medical Students (2015) Olivia Antoinette Mary Smith

7.4.4. Mind Maps for Medical Finals by Ross Campbell (Author) 2015 google book

7.4.5. Mindmaps in Ophthalmology 1st Edition, by Abhishek Sharma (Author) mars 2015 google book

7.4.6. Mind Maps in Surgery 1st Edition by Pouya Youssefi (Author), Pooneh Youssefi (Author), Irving Taylor (Author) 2008 Contents pdf.

7.4.7. Mind-Maps-Pathology-Peter-Dervan (2002) by Peter Dervan (Author), Michele Harrison (Author)

7.4.8. Mind Maps in Medicine, 1e 1st Edition by Peter McDermott MB ChB FRCR (Author), D. N. Clarke MB ChB FRCP (Author) 1998

8. Medical Mind Mapping Web Sites

8.1. Medical profession's use of mind mapping

8.2. biggerplate medicine group

8.3. medical mind maps

8.4. Medical MindMaps for USMLE

8.5. ICU mind maps

8.6. mind map diagram in allergy and imunology

8.7. Cartographie de l'information et médecine

8.8. visual medical dictionary