Class Blog about learning process, experiences, likes, and dislike.

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Class Blog about learning process, experiences, likes, and dislike. by Mind Map: Class Blog about learning process, experiences, likes, and dislike.

1. Reflection about the video: India.

1.1. Look for the information.

1.2. Create a comic.

1.3. Shoot and edit a video.

2. Reflection about the biologist's speech.

2.1. Get in touch with a regional biologist.

2.2. Invite this biologist to come to the school.

2.3. Attend the biologist's speech.

3. Reflection about creating a Wiki with our 'sister' class.

3.1. Find a foreign class to collaborate with.

3.2. Go to a field trip: botanical garden.

3.3. Compile photos about plants.