Configuration Add

Configuration Add by Lawrence Romero Vigeowebsite - Manual

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Configuration Add por Mind Map: Configuration Add

1. Configuration option

1.1. Login to Dashboard

1.2. Expand Push

1.3. You can see the Configuration option

2. New Configuration

2.1. Click Configuration to display the screen

2.2. Select New Configuration

2.3. You will see the New Configuration screen

2.4. Enter a name for the configuration

3. Save Configuration

3.1. Select Save to save the configuration

3.2. Dashboard verify your configuration

3.3. If all OK then configuration saved

3.4. Actions to Details, Edit or Delete the configuration

4. Settings

4.1. Select the theme you want to activate

4.2. Select Color, Header and Background

4.3. Select (Left/Center/Right) Category

4.4. Select (Left/Center/Right) Submenu

4.5. Select (Top/Bottom) Promotional

4.6. Select (Top/Bottom) Shop Image

4.7. Select We Are Image