Excelsior Scholarship

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Excelsior Scholarship by Mind Map: Excelsior Scholarship

1. students are required to maintain a grade point average necessary for the successful completion of their coursework, and students are required to reside in New York State for the same number of years in which they received the award.

2. Students must be enrolled in college full-time and average 30 credits per year (including Summer and January semesters) in order to receive the funding, however, the program has built in flexibility so that any student facing hardship is able to pause and restart the program

3. it will take place in over three years, beginning for New Yorkers making up to $100,000 annually in the fall of 2017, $110,000 in 2018, and $125,000 in 2019

4. requirements for students.

5. Andrew cuomo annouced a nation program that allows tuition-free college at New York’s public colleges and universities to families making up to $125,000 a year.

6. It will provide technology such as e-books, at suny and cuny schools to help with low textbook buyings.

7. Im not really for this. And ill tell you why. Most kids would like to go away to collegen maybe not far but to a university or a big time dream school. They should find away to lower the cost of colleges that cost more then $40,000. Think about some people dont even make that much money and that takes away an opportunity for a young adult.