Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation, and Positioning Strategies
wafa ibrahimにより
1. is the process of selecting market segments that are most attractive to the firm.
1.1. Market targeting
2. Market Segmentation Bases and Variables
2.1. Demographics
2.2. Geographic location
2.3. Psychographics
2.3.1. Personality
2.3.2. Values
2.3.3. Lifestyles
2.3.4. Activities
2.3.5. Interests
2.3.6. Opinions
2.4. Behavior
2.5. Benefit
2.6. Usage
3. Online engagement level
3.1. Forrester categorizes social media users according to usage segments that are highly engaged online
3.1.1. Creators who gather other people’s content, upload or share it.
3.1.2. Conversationalists.
3.1.3. Critics.
4. Marketing segmentation
4.1. is the process of grouping individuals or businesses, according to similarities in use, consumption, or benefits of a product or service.
5. Three Markets
5.1. 1- Business Market
5.1.1. 2- Government Market 3-Consumer Market
6. Differentiation Online
6.1. is what a company does to the product to convince the market that the product has specific advantages.
6.2. differentiate dimensions
6.2.1. Product innovation
6.2.2. Mass customization
6.2.3. Service differentiation
6.2.4. Channel differentiation
6.2.5. Site atmospherics
6.2.6. User generated content