Getting Intimate with invisible audiences, Mushon Zer-Aviv
by Udi h Bauman

1. Essay + Video
2. about
2.1. Artist & Designer
2.1.1. of Ars Electronica fame
2.3. @mushon
3. Subject
3.1. privacy
4. Questions
4.1. Who uses the Internet?
4.2. Who uses the street?
5. Who are the cultural leaders today?
5.1. geeks
6. Privacy & openness
6.1. not black & white
7. Information wants to be free != People wants to be free
8. There's a scale between private & public
9. Social media is performative
9.1. Not only communication, only presenting oneself
10. Hana Arendt quote on public spaces
10.1. enable people to understand the norms regulating society
10.2. let people express themselves & learn from the feedback of others
10.3. enable people to convert sayings or actions to "real" thru the others witnessing them
11. Danna Boyd quote on social networks as mediated publics
11.1. 4 unique characteristics
11.1.1. Persistence
11.1.2. Searchability
11.1.3. Replicabiility
11.1.4. Scale
11.1.5. all 4 leading to Invisible Audiences key factor in discussion on privacy
12. Example: chatroullete
12.1. Mediated publics?
12.1.1. No persistence
12.1.2. No searchability
12.1.3. No replicability
12.1.4. No Scale
12.1.5. and therefore No Invisible Audiences
12.2. No content
12.3. Rather conversation
12.4. Much more like physical public spaces than social media spaces
12.5. You can watch but cannot touch
12.6. Maybe this example can teach us how to create spaces with grey shades of privacy
12.7. Southpark sketh on chatroullete
12.8. Taking screenshot/screencast destroys all charcteristics of public spaces
12.8.1. You get Persistence Searchability Replicabiility Scale and therefore Exposure to Invisible Audiences
12.8.2. No more conversation, rather content