MTelling The Time

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MTelling The Time por Mind Map: MTelling The Time


1.1. We use oclock when there are NO minutes-Sometimes it is written as 9 o´clock.

2. 12:00

2.1. For 12:00 there are expressions in English:

2.1.1. 1. Twelve o´clock 2.Midday=noon 3.Midnight

3. Giving the Time

3.1. We use IT IS or IT´S to respond to the questions that ask for the time right now.

3.1.1. Example: It is half past five(5:30) It´s ten to twelve(11:50)

4. AM vsPM

4.1. We don´t normally use the 24-hour clock in english. We use A.M(am) for the morning and P.M(pm) for the afternoon and night.

5. Asking for the time

5.1. The common questions forms we use to ask for the time right now are:

5.2. What time is it? What is the Time?

6. We use AT+Time when giving the time of a specific event.

6.1. The class starts at nine o´clock

7. We use IT IS or IT´S to answer a question that asks for the time right now

7.1. What time is it?

7.1.1. What the time?

8. There are two common ways of telling the time.

8.1. 1. Say the hour first and then the minutes

8.1.1. Example: It´s six twenty-five

8.2. Say the minutes first and then the hour

8.2.1. For minuts 1-30 We use PAST after the minutes.

8.2.2. For minutes 31-59 We use TO after the minutes