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مفهوم برند by Mind Map: مفهوم برند

1. Andreasen, Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations

2. Brown, Teaching old brands new tricks: Retro branding and the revival of brand meaning

3. Clifton, Brands and branding

4. Hatch Are the strategic stars aligned for your corporate brand

5. Holt Why do brands cause trouble? A dialectical theory of consumer culture and branding

6. وفاداری به برند

6.1. Day, A two-dimensional concept of brand loyalty

6.2. jacoby, Brand loyalty vs. repeat purchasing behavior

7. تصویر برند

7.1. Park, Strategic brand concept-image management

7.2. Beil, How brand image drives brand equity

8. مدیریت برند

8.1. استراتژی های برند

8.1.1. برندسازی برندسازی در شرکت های خانوادگی Getz, The family business in tourism and hospitality Greenwood, Institutional complexity and organizational responses Pohjola, Branding a family business. Presas, Branding familiness in tourism family firms Vinhas, Online brand attributes and online corporate brand images Wanhill, Peripheral area tourism: A European perspective Randall, , Branding, a Practical Guide to Planning, Organizing and Strategy Schultz, A cultural perspective on corporate branding

8.1.2. Nilson, Competitive branding

8.1.3. Aaker, Building strong brands

9. شخصیت برند

9.1. Aaker, Dimensions of brand personality

9.2. Caprara, Brand personality: How to make the metaphor fit

10. برند داخلی

10.1. Foster, Exploring the relationship between corporate, internal and employer branding.

10.2. Bergstorm, Why internal branding matters

10.3. Balmer, Internal branding process: key mechanisms, outcomes and moderating factors

11. تاثیر بر روی المان های مختلف

11.1. تعهد کارکنان

11.1.1. Backhaus, Conceptualizing and researching employer branding

11.2. رفتار خرید

11.2.1. Avery, The strategic use of brand biographies. In Research in consumer behavior

11.3. ارزش سازمان

11.3.1. Aaker, brand equity

11.3.2. Aaker, managing brank equity

11.3.3. Keller, The effects of corporate branding strategies on brand equity

11.3.4. Keller, Brand equity

11.3.5. Maltz, Managing brand equity: conference summary

11.3.6. leuthesser, Defining measuring and managing brand equity: a conference summary