What in the world is the definition of technology anyway?
by Huy Tran
1. Technology? - My Initial Thoughts
1.1. Technology to me is the combination of human intellect and mechanics made possible by the use of artificial materials, data, algorithms, and creativity.
1.2. I strongly believe that technology is an expression of growth in creativity and a result of innovation. If we look back in time, what’s the major difference that sets 2017 apart from 500, or even 1000 years ago? My answer would be the changes in the way we operate, grow, and do business. And all of this is attributed to a single word called “technology”.
2. Leanings from Course Materials
2.1. 1. As I was reading through The Journal of Technology Transfer, I realized that my definition of technology was missing an important factor - a structure – as the authors revealed that technology is structured of two primary components: the physical and the informational components. Factors such as products, tools, techniques, and processes are parts of the physical components whereas the management’s know-how, marketing, and skilled labour are of the informational components. (Kumar, Kumar, & Persaud, 1999)
2.2. 2. Looking into a bigger picture on the meaning of technology in a commercial from Microsoft for 2014’s Superbowl: the video brilliantly used a robotic narrative throughout a series of emotional stories illustrated what technology means to us by implying its effect on the human race: bringing everyone closer together. (Microsoft, 2014)
2.3. 3. The course material also led me to such an interesting article named “Defining “Technology”” from author Adam Thierer of 2014, in which he quoted his favourite definition from W. Brian Arthur’s book - The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves: ““The first and most basic one is a technology is a means to fulfill a human purpose. … As a means, a technology may be a method or process or device… Or it may be complicated… Or it may be material… Or it may be nonmaterial. Whichever it is, it is always a means to carry out a human purpose.” (Thierer, 2014) (Arthur, 2009)
2.4. 4. A more practical way to define technology is to focus on its key roles in this world. Author John Dyer provides just this in an article named “Defining the Word “Technology” … Four Times” where technology is defined as hardware, as manufacturing, as methodology, and as social usage. (Dyer, 2009)
3. Leanings from a Creative Expert
3.1. A brilliant definition of technology through its connection with the human life cycle is “Technology is not technology if it happened before you were born.” – Sir Ken Robinson. He was tackling on a key issue of getting the new generation to fully utilize and understand how powerful technology is in a project with Adobe. You can watch a short recap of the project on YouTube through this link: https://youtu.be/UYk91jzv1jg. (Sir Robinson, 2012)
4. Technology! - My Final Thoughts
4.1. My personal definition of technology wasn't shifting but rather enriched through this process of learning. I’ve learned that defining technology is certainly a complex and constantly changing process. However, I would quote Mr. Thomas P. Hughes on what I think is the root and most fundamental definition of creativity: “a creativity process involving human ingenuity.” (Hughes, 2004)
5. Creative Aspect
5.1. The visual and idealization effect of MindMeister is the creative aspect that I have integrated into our discussion about technology.
6. References
6.1. Arthur, W. B. (2009). The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves . Retrieved from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Nature-Technology-What-How-Evolves/dp/1416544062 Dyer, J. (2009, December 27). Defining the Word “Technology” … Four Times. Retrieved from Don't Eat The Fruit: http://donteatthefruit.com/2009/12/defining-the-word%E2%80%9Ctechnology%E2%80%9D-%E2%80%A6-four-times/ Hughes, T. P. (2004). Human-Built World: How to Think about Technology and Culture . Retrieved from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Human-Built-World-Technology-Culture-science-culture/dp/0226359344 Kumar, V., Kumar, U., & Persaud, A. (1999). Building Technological Capability Through Importing Technology: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 24(1), 81-96. Microsoft. (2014, February 2). Microsoft 2014 Super Bowl Commercial: Empowering. Retrieved from YouTube: https://youtu.be/qaOvHKG0Tio Sir Robinson, K. (2012, December 7). How is Technology Transforming Education? Sir Ken Robinson Video Series from Adobe Education . Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYk91jzv1jg Thierer, A. (2014, April 29). Defining “Technology”. Retrieved from Tech Liberation: https://techliberation.com/2014/04/29/defining-technology/