Shared OpenURL Router
by Ona Sumner
1. Data Capture
1.1. How to get data from others a) from their OpenURL Resolver logs? b) without being illegal?
2. Algorithims
2.1. A recommender service prototype
3. Data Release / Open Data
3.1. An aggregation of shared OpenURL router data for others to use
4. Authentication and Tracking Users
4.1. How to create a system based on links within sessions that are meaningful enough for recommendations - many small clusters of links may not then link up
4.2. How long is a session to be able to analyhse activity data across that timescale?
4.3. How to identify "sessions" in a large body of data in the log for a) non-proxy data b) proxy-data
5. Scalability
5.1. Solutions to managing large amounts of data. (Well, not large compared to Physics!)