Data Management Project: Environment By: Christina Ma

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Data Management Project: Environment By: Christina Ma por Mind Map: Data Management Project: Environment By: Christina Ma

1. Deforestation

1.1. Farming

1.1.1. Developed countries Red Meat much more land needed to feed much less people use developing country's land

1.1.2. growing population many people hungry

1.1.3. Developing countries Lack knowledge Lack technology for efficient farming destroy soil

1.2. Suburbs/cities

1.2.1. growing population

1.2.2. growing needs

1.2.3. more demands

1.3. Loss of rare species

2. Land Fills

2.1. Need for 'stuff'

2.1.1. New technology

2.1.2. Media and advertisements fuel the need

2.2. electronics

2.2.1. poisons environment

2.2.2. non biodegradable

2.2.3. Takes up lots of space

2.3. Enough Space on Earth?

3. Global Warming

3.1. CO2 emmisions

3.1.1. Use of fossil fuels

3.1.2. Ozone depletion

3.2. Electric cars

3.2.1. Good?

3.2.2. Bad?

3.3. Over population