1. English words
1.1. list of English universal terms
1.1.1. airport, passport, hotel, telephone, bar, soda, cigarette, sport, golf, tennis, stop, O.K., weekend, jeans, know-how, sex appeal, and no problem
1.2. English words are everywhere
1.3. 850 essential words, including a mere 18 verbs—
1.3.1. be, come, do, get, give, go, have, keep, let, make, may, put, say, see, seem, send, take, and will
2. Other languages
2.1. Japanese
2.1.1. The most relentless borrowers of English words English words 20,000
2.2. French
2.2.1. French have been more resistant than most
2.2.2. French take their language very seriously indeed
2.2.3. words that were too well established to drive out: gadget, holdup, weekend, blue jeans, self-service, manager, marketing, and many others
2.3. Mandarin Chinese
2.3.1. spoken by some 750 million people
2.3.2. has twice as many speakers as any other language in the world
2.3.3. business
3. English Speakers
3.1. second language by perhaps as many as 400 million people globally
4. The most global of languages
4.1. Most important language in the world
4.2. 330 million speakers
4.3. The most studied and emulated language in the world
4.4. sixty-one such creoles spoken by up to 200 million people
5. Colonialism
5.1. English is widely resented as a symbol of colonialism
5.2. India
5.2.1. 1,652 languages
5.2.2. as a necessary expedient.