by Balazs Dianiska
1. Relevance
1.1. Relevant text in project description
1.1.1. dont pick up individual words (project name is a word)
1.2. Usage count
1.3. Have been found useful before
1.4. Maintenance/health
1.5. Maintainer quality
1.6. Relevant text in reviews
1.7. no tags, no categorization
2. login yes/no?
2.1. no registration/signup
2.2. wtf for
3. Statement of the problem (i want a SEO solution)
4. Search
4.1. "I want a module that does this"
4.2. I want to see projects of the author
4.3. no registration
4.4. just type in what you want
5. Search results
5.1. Project link
5.2. Rating
5.3. Simple
6. ability to set core version (!)
7. return a recommendation solution (module sets!)