21st Century Learning Analysis by Kelly Botto

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21st Century Learning Analysis by Kelly Botto by Mind Map: 21st Century Learning Analysis by Kelly Botto

1. Sycamore Valley Academy

1.1. Learning Enviornment

1.1.1. The school believes that all students benefit from "formal education when they are empowered, active participants."

1.1.2. Students thrive when the learning environment responds to their interests, questions, and desire to define the world.

1.1.3. In addition to focusing on the mastery of academic disciplines, SVA provides students with the opportunity to pursue their own passions through in-depth studies, projects, and collaboration.

1.1.4. The school believes all students benefit from a gifted education program.

1.2. Professional Development

1.2.1. All SVA teachers attend training by the California Association for the Gifted. Ongoing feedback and coaching is provided to teachers as they implement strategies and teaching tools from their training. Teachers utilize best practices from the gifted education field Inquiry-based instruction is utilized to teach and develop higher-level thinking skills of all students.

1.2.2. Teachers collaborate in grade-level teams and as a whole staff. Teachers are able to learn best practices and strategies from one another across disciplines and grade levels. This helps support student achievement and provide students with more opportunities to make authentic connections to the content.

1.3. Curriculum & Instruction

1.3.1. Focus on curricular flexibility and student-responsive teaching. Teachers analyze each student's learning traits to understand what the student brings to the task, what the needs are of the student to succeed, and what the student needs to support their success. Every student has an individual learning plan (ILP) developed at the beginning of the school year. Academic and social-emotional goals are set in collaboration with the students, parents, and teachers. Progress towards the ILP is tracked and reported throughout the year. Teachers provide students with multiple pathways to demonstrate learning and support student achievement. Each student in grades 1-8 complete 3 projects (one per trimester). Supports the implementation of project-based learning strategies. Students are group based on a variety of needs. Groupings are adjusted throughout the year and based on task. Multi-age classrooms, reading and writing workshops, and project-based learning periods allow teachers to differentiate content and expectations based on individual student needs and abilities.

2. Rancho Minerva Middle School

2.1. Learning Enviornment

2.1.1. Building a supportive, open, and collaborative learning community for all stakeholders. RMMS works to provide all students with equal opportunities and access to personalized learning, college and careers, and build positive personal relationships with staff members. Digital Discovery Units provide student with career skill development. A partnership with Alliant University established a Latino Healthcare Expo which gave students access to careers in healthcare and form mentorship opportunities with local industry experts. All 7th grade students visit California State University, San Marcos. There is a focus on social-emotional learning models and growth mindset. RMMS works to ensure all students and families feel they have a voice in each student's education and the needs of the student and community. Community pot-lucks and home visits Monthly coffee hours with the Principal Regular parent nights with student performances

2.2. Curriculum and Instruction

2.2.1. A focus on personalized learning and growth mindset. Digital Discovery Units Staff connects students with hands-on learning, digital skill development, and direct application of knowledge learned throughout the curriculum. Provides students with authentic career skills.

2.3. Professional Development

2.3.1. A district partnership with the University of California, San Diego was formed to provide support on data analysis of student learning.

2.3.2. The student-run production studio films teacher professional development conferences

2.4. Assessment

2.4.1. The partnership with UC San Diego also developed a web-based software program that tracks progress of personalized learning programs for each student.

2.4.2. Collaborative Assessment Opportunities Using Google Forms, students use a rubric-based peer assessment form to evaluate each others progress Students self-assess their own progress by utilizing a master rubric on a continuum. Students rate themselves from 'apprentice' to 'ninja' to determine how and where they can improve. Teacher Beth Duncan said it changes the focus from the grade earned to "Did you learning it? Can you push yourself more?"

3. Bullis Charter School

3.1. Learning Environment

3.1.1. The school culture is centered around personalized learning, social-emotional development, project-based learning and collaboration. FLGs promote and support personalize learning and social-emotional development 2 MakerSpaces and a FabLab are provided to students to support project-based learning and collaboration. Collaboration is a focus at every level in the school. Students & Teachers collaborate to develop and monitor progress of FLBs Teachers collaborate with each other and other schools, districts and outside community organization to support and develop project-based learning lessons and units. Students, parents, and teachers collaborate to establish individual goals for each student.

3.2. Assessment

3.2.1. FreshGrade e-Portfolio Video evidence of students presenting to show growth in confidence and public speaking Photographs of Student Work demonstrating mastery and competency of specified skills identifies in the Focused Learning Goals (FLGs) Student Comments demonstrate the "journey of learning" (risk-taking, making mistakes, reflection, and learning)

3.2.2. Formal Evaluations on lifelong learning skills Communication, collaboration, technology, character, leadership, organization, risk-taking, and problem solving

3.2.3. Capstone Presentation All 8th grade students present a reflection on "their own personal learning journey, how they exemplify the BCS Mission, and how they will utilize their skills as life-long learners.

3.3. Professional Development

3.3.1. STEAM Practicum Created by Bullis Charter to support and encourage other schools, educators, and administrators to adopt a similar program A collaboration between Bullis Charter's STEAM Team, and Santa Clara County's Office of Education. 2 Cohorts - Teachers & Administrators Each cohort begins with a summer practicum and continues to collaborate with the Bullis Charter's STEAM Team seven times throughout the school year. The teacher cohort focuses on STEAM lesson and unit design incorporating project-based learning strategies. The administration cohort focuses on broader topics such as financing, securing funding for programs, and creating a positive school culture that promotes student achievement.

3.3.2. Developed partnerships with other local schools/districts as well as companies in Silicon Valley (local) and internationally to support staff development, technology, and global competencies to create innovative educational models in public education.

3.4. Curriculum & Instruction

3.4.1. Focused on STEAM units and Project-Based Learning Example: 1st Grade students investigated the concept of biomimicry. The art teacher has students research plants and animals adaptations. Students watch videos and view pictures. They then create a visual drawing of the adaptation that shows their understanding of biomimicry. This lesson combined technology and art to promote student understanding of the science topic biomimicry. Each student or student groups research different plants and animals and produced a unique visual drawing of biomimicry.

3.4.2. Focused Learning Goals (FLGs) are annual content and personal goals for each student based on student data and in collaboration between students, parents, and teachers. The goal of the FLGs is to promote student achievement both academically and personally. Students and teachers collaborate throughout the year to monitor progress towards their individual goals. e-Portfolios are used to track and communicate to parents and students each student's progress. The e-portfolios also provide evidence of student competency.

3.4.3. Access to learning tools that support PBL MakerSpace & FabLab 3D printers, laser cutters, soldering irons, LEGOs and robotic kits MakerSpace and FabLab are fabrication laboratories where students develop ideas and design & create prototypes of those ideas in real life. This helps support PBL projects and promote student engagement.