Steering/Consultation Group

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Steering/Consultation Group by Mind Map: Steering/Consultation Group

1. Secondary care

1.1. Care coordinators

1.2. DBT managwr

1.3. Psychotherapy

1.4. Psychiatry

2. Third sector

2.1. Education

2.2. Housing

2.3. Drug and alcohol

2.4. Advocacy

2.5. BME comm

2.6. Domestic abuse

2.7. MH support

2.8. Employment

3. Criminal justice

3.1. Forensic service

3.1.1. Include any comm based

3.2. Offender management

4. Statutory

4.1. Employment

4.2. Housing

4.3. Drug/alcohol

5. Commissioner rep

6. Service User

6.1. Carer

6.2. Lived experience

6.3. As reps of SU groups

6.4. Require training to support the role

7. Primary care

7.1. GP MH liaison rep

7.2. IAPT

7.2.1. Manager or clinical lead

7.3. A&E MH liaison rep