Diabetes Mellitus

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Diabetes Mellitus by Mind Map: Diabetes Mellitus

1. Pathophysiology

1.1. Blindness

1.2. Heart Disease

1.3. Kidney Failure

1.4. Elevated Blood Glucose

1.5. Insulin Resistance

2. Chromosome 11

2.1. Mutations on CTLA 4 ; cytotoxic lymphosyte

2.2. PTPN22; lymphoid tyrosine phosphate

2.2.1. negatively regulates T-cell activation, also linked to Lupus, Arthritis, Thyroid disease

3. Type 2

3.1. Autosomal Dominate

3.2. Obesity

3.2.1. Insulin Resistance MODY: mature onset diabetes of youth Cause:Mutations of Glucokinase genes and 5 other genes that regulate insulin in the pancreas

3.3. Gene mutations

3.3.1. KCNJ11; Potassium channel glucose secretion pathology

3.3.2. TCF 12; endcodes for secretion of insulin

3.3.3. PPAR-y; adpocyte differentiation & glucose metabolization

4. Diagnostic Test

4.1. HemeA1c

4.2. Blood Glucose Monitoring

4.3. Genetic marker testing

5. Treatments

5.1. Insulin

5.2. Carbohydrate limitation

5.3. Exercise: increases insulin sensitivity

6. Type 1 insulin dep

6.1. Pathophyology

6.1.1. T-cells infiltrate pancreas kill insulin producing B cells

6.1.2. Autoantibiodies are formed against pancreatic cells

6.2. Genetic Risk factors

6.2.1. HLA 2 Allels gene mutation; HLA DR3,4, inappropriate autoimmune activation Aspartic acid on position 57 mutates and changes shape of the molecule, decreasing its ability to bind to T-cells

6.3. Causitive Factors

6.3.1. Genetic factors not exclusively responsible for disorder, viral infections activate autoimmune response