Service wide groups

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Service wide groups by Mind Map: Service wide groups

1. Emotional regulation

1.1. Emotions

1.1.1. Identification

2. Parenting ?

3. Preparing for change

3.1. Recovery model group

3.2. Input from service user groups

4. Meeting 27/4/11

5. People

5.1. Ed

5.2. Marianne

5.3. Deanna

5.4. Katherine

5.5. OT's

5.5.1. Linzie?

5.5.2. Juliette?

6. Finishing group

6.1. Katherine's work re. CPTSD

6.2. social inclusion

6.3. Relapse prevention

6.4. ACT

6.4.1. values work

6.5. Outcomes

6.5.1. Social inclusion measures

6.6. Linking with outside groups

6.6.1. Inviting in

6.7. What is my story?

6.7.1. The narratives

6.7.2. Link with values work

6.7.3. Some writing Shared or individual

6.8. Listening group

6.8.1. Listening

6.8.2. & discussing

6.9. Ex service users telling their stories

6.9.1. Links to user groups

7. Life enhancement skills

7.1. Practical

7.2. Peer groups

7.2.1. Positive emotional events

7.2.2. Initially set up by staff

7.2.3. Moving to more user run

8. Groups

8.1. Starting with service

8.2. Life enhancement groups

8.3. Ending groups

9. Meeting 4/10/11

9.1. E, A and Liza to meet to prepare summary for leads