
Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Google af Mind Map: Google

1. Learning Activites

1.1. Individual

1.1.1. Warm Ups Students can write respnses to warm up prompts using google docs Teachers can use the search engine of Google to have students search a topic to start the day

1.1.2. Research Students can research additional information that might not be in the textbook or provided by the teacher

1.2. Group

1.2.1. Projects Students can create google slides on topics and share the slides with the teacher

1.2.2. Think Pair Share Students can brain storm how to best search for information on Google

1.3. Whole Class

1.3.1. Discussion Debate Students will debate in the full class about the merits of different view points and actions. Socratic Seminar Students will debate with 2 groups and 2 groups inside of each group. While one of each sub group observes the other, midway through the subgroups discuss with partners and then swap groups in the debate. Full Class Conversation A simple discussion with all students participating and being engaged, even when not actively speaking.

1.3.2. Lecture

2. Teacher Roles

2.1. Facilitator

2.1.1. The teacher will have to keep their students on task with their use of Google. At the same time, the teacher should be actively guiding and encouraging new ways to utilize Google in the classroom

2.2. Participant

2.2.1. At times the teacher will need to be actively engaged in the learning process, add to discussion, interject and provide alternative viewpoints beyond guiding student learning.

2.3. Instructor

2.3.1. The teacher will have to explain how to use all of Google's many utilities. They will then have to explain how to use these utilities to work together to conduct research, create projects, and share their works with each other.

3. Learning Assessment

3.1. Evaluate

3.1.1. Collaboratively Students can evaluate peers work via google docs. Students can work together on a project using google docs and be able to add ideas and edit simuotaniously.

3.1.2. Teacher Teacher can check students written papers against many submitted papers to verify no plagiarism, etc. Assign projects and guidelines for assignments and grade and edit through google and provide feedback.

3.2. Analyze

3.2.1. Students can view peers work and break down their work to help with theirs or provide feedback.

3.2.2. Teacher can use it as a 1 on 1 way to go over students papers give feedback and guide them to their final draft.

3.2.3. Share individual ideas to the whole class so everyones ideas can come together as one.

4. Learning Goals

4.1. Create

4.1.1. Classroom Teachers can create a google classroom account for their homeroom or classes Google classroom simplifies creating, distributing, and grading assignments for teachers, which benefits the students' perspective overall. Fosters effective classroom communication. Students can access at any time and any place. It creates beneficial classroom discussions and allows sharing of content.

4.1.2. Implement Teachers and students can implement google docs, google presentations, google sheets, create quizzes to enhance learning experiences. Allow students to share links, videos, images, and personal documents with classmates and teachers. Give students opportunities to implement their own work from documents to teach about the creation of such ideas Students can use google apps to create vocabulary lists and other tools to make studying easier and more orderly.

4.1.3. Students can use apps like google docs and slides to help organize parts of a story and form timelines and prewriting in their writing projects, as well as manage research.

4.2. Organize

4.2.1. Ideas

4.2.2. Vocabulary

4.3. Research

4.3.1. Access Google is meant for simplicity and convenience. Students can access needed tools at any time and any place at little or no cost.

4.3.2. Repetiveness If students continue to use google applications regularly throughout schooling, it could benefit them in a number of ways.

4.3.3. Classroom In an english high school setting, students can use research tools for writing projects and can look up statistical information for formal assignments, as well.