Science fiction must-read-watch-try things

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Science fiction must-read-watch-try things por Mind Map: Science fiction must-read-watch-try things

1. Movies

1.1. Dune

1.2. Alien

1.3. Matrix

1.4. Stalker

1.5. Blade Runner

2. Books

2.1. Isaac Asimov

2.1.1. Foundation Series

2.1.2. Robot Series

2.1.3. Galactic Empire Series

2.2. William Gibson

2.2.1. Neuromancer

2.2.2. Count Zero

2.2.3. Mona Lisa Overdrive

2.3. Brian Wilson Aldis

2.3.1. Nonstop

2.3.2. The Dark Light Years

2.3.3. Hothouse

2.4. Frederick Pohl

2.4.1. Heechee Series

2.4.2. Eschaton Series

2.4.3. Man Plus

2.5. Philip K. Dick

2.5.1. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Blade Runner)

2.5.2. VALIS

2.5.3. Ubik

2.6. Sergej Lukjanenko

2.6.1. Hviezdy, tie studené hračky

2.6.2. Hranica snov

2.6.3. Klamlivé zrkadlá

2.7. Frank Herbert

2.7.1. Dune saga

2.8. Stanislav Lem

2.8.1. Solaris

2.9. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

2.9.1. Stalker

2.9.2. Hard To Be A God

2.9.3. The Inhabited Island

3. Games

3.1. Mass Effect

3.2. Dead Space

3.3. Doom

3.4. Gears Of War

3.5. Half Life

3.6. Bioshock

3.7. System Shock

3.8. Quake