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learning styles and technique by Mind Map: learning styles and technique

1. By recognizing and understanding your own learning styles, you can use techniques that are more appropriate for you. This improves the speed and quality of your learning.

2. The Seven Styles of Learning

3. Visual (Spatial): You prefer to use images, images and spatial understanding. Aural (audio-musical): You prefer to use sound and music. Verbal (linguistic): You prefer to use words, both in speech and in writing. Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer to use your body, hands and sense of touch. Logical (mathematical): You prefer to use logic, reasoning and systems. Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.

4. Everyone has a mix of learning styles

5. Traditional teaching used (and continues to use) mainly linguistic and logical teaching methods

5.1. Those who use less-favored learning styles are often found in the lower classes, with several not-so-complementary labels and sometimes lower-quality teaching.

5.1.1. This can create positive and negative spirals that reinforce the belief that one is "smart" or "dumb".

6. Researchers who use brain imaging technologies have been able to discover the key areas of the brain responsible for each learning style.

6.1. Visual: The occipital lobes in the back of the brain control the visual sense. Both the occipital and parietal lobes handle the spatial orientation. Aural: Temporal lobes handle auditory content. The right temporal lobe is especially important for music. Verbal: The temporal and frontal lobes, especially two specialized areas called areas of Broca and Wernicke (in the left hemisphere of these two lobes). Physical: The cerebellum and motor cortex (at the back of the frontal lobe) handle much of our physical movement. Logical: The parietal lobes, especially the left side, drive our logical thinking. Social: The frontal and temporal lobes handle much of our social activities. The limbic system (not shown apart from the hippocampus) also influences both the social style and the solitary. The limbic system has a lot to do with emotions, moods and aggression. Solitary: The frontal and parietal lobes, and the limbic system, are also active with this style.