Stretching with Trigger Points
by Stephanie Rose

1. 2. Online Sourcing
1.1. I was able to have e-mail contact with Julie Blackburn. She was very helpful in giving me advise, and also gave me two books about trigger points. This was very helpful in my research on this topic. It let me understand exactly what trigger points are, and how it can be beneficial to get rid of them when having a very active lifestyle.
1.2. I also got to find a blog on a trigger points website, and was able to make a post after having a session with Julie Blackburn.
1.2.1. Trigger Points Blog
1.3. Julie Blackburn also gave me this great website about trigger points.
1.3.1. Trigger Points Website
2. 1. Getting information
2.1. Did Trigger Points for soccer practice one day. Julie Blackburn is who came and did a trigger points exercise, and she is highly qualified and is a personal trainer in this area. This got me interested in trigger points, and how beneficial it can be for me since I am a Division 1 athlete.
2.1.1. I interviewed my peer, Lindsay Henry, who is also on the UNCW soccer team with me. I asked her how she felt about the trigger points exercise we did. She said "I loved it. You don't realize how sore you are until you do these workouts. It really gets to the core of your muscles, and releases a lot of the tension in them."