1. Family
1.1. Who is making decisions?
1.2. Family Resources
2. Capacity
2.1. Does Sadie have Capacity? What needs to happen in order for her capacity to be established?
2.2. Can Sadie care for Bert?
3. Social Work Values
3.1. AASW
3.2. Human Rights Social Justice Dignity Respect Self Determination
3.3. Framework
3.3.1. Theories Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Erikson's Developmental Stages Family Systems Theory Ecological Systems Theory Critical Theory Anti-Opressive Practice Strength-based approach Grief and Loss Trauma-informed Practice Solution-focused
4. Organisational Context
4.1. Working in a MDT - Issues - Benefits
4.1.1. Managing medical teams expectations
4.2. Hospital SW means working from a Medical Model - potential clashes with AASW
4.3. Who makes the final decisions? - Consultant - Hospital Policy and Guidelines
4.4. Other Agency/Services involved?
5. Home/Environment
5.1. A Persons environment = Very important for psychosocial wellbeing
5.2. Practical Issues around safety and access
5.2.1. Other Stakeholders: The Council
5.2.2. The hospital may want to discharge into safe home
6. Ethical Dilemmas
6.1. Worker's attitudes, beliefs
6.2. Who is the client?
6.3. What is the scope of my role?
6.4. Self Determination
6.4.1. Possible Financial/elder abuse?
6.5. Power
6.5.1. Working with marginalised groups, how do I mitigate the effects of the power imbalance
6.6. Potentially working with the perpetrators of Abuse
6.7. Time constraints of Hospital Social Work
7. Working with the Elderly
7.1. AASW Code Of Ethics
7.2. Best Practice in Aged Care: - Jill Wilson - Cheryl Tilse - Maree Peterson
7.3. QLD Health Policy, Directives Legislation? Courts?
8. Cultural
8.1. Aged Care attitudes in Australia
9. Health
9.1. Physical Health
9.1.1. Falls Motor Skills General Physical Function
9.2. Emotional Heath and Wellbeing
9.2.1. How will this be Established and Acted on
9.2.2. Social Work to Advocate - Our Values - Scope of our role ie. Psychosocial Support and how this is different to other Allied Health workiers
9.3. Cognition
9.3.1. QCAT
9.4. The Social Determinants of Health
10. Structural
10.1. Ecological Systems Theory
10.2. Ageism
10.2.1. How older people are treated/constructed in Society
10.3. Critical Theory
10.3.1. Challenging why things are the way they are
11. Financial/Legal
11.1. Capacity of Sadie
11.1.1. QCAT Who get's the final say, how to appeal decisions
11.1.2. Self Determination
11.2. Financial Abuse
11.2.1. Option of guardian to manage finances
11.2.2. Legal advice for the protection and management of assets
11.2.3. Will there be legal/criminal ramifications for those involved?