Rime of the Ancient Mariner Literary Devices - There are many but these are the main ones common...

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Rime of the Ancient Mariner Literary Devices - There are many but these are the main ones commonly use in the Rime of The Ancient Mariner. Jason Nguyen 7R por Mind Map: Rime of the Ancient Mariner Literary Devices  - There are many but these are the main ones commonly use in the Rime of The Ancient Mariner.  Jason Nguyen 7R

1. Metaphors and Similes

1.1. A lot of similes and metaphors were used in the Rime of the Ancient mariner to convey meaning to the reader, also being components of allusion. For example, in part 3 in the beginning stanzas, used in repetition too, its says: Her locks were yellow as gold: Her skin was as white as leprosy, The comparison between "her locks" (personification for the "death" ship) and gold is the use of a simile, as well as the phrase: "Her skin was as white as leprosy". Similes and metaphors build imagery too as they compare two different things together, helping the reader visualize what the subject looks like.

2. Repetition

2.1. Repetition is used a lot in Rime of the Ancient Mariner to build the setting and make the scene seem dramatic in some cases. For example, in one of the starting stanzas in part 3, it says: Her lips were red, her looks were free, Her locks were yellow as gold: Her skin was as white as leprosy, The word "her" (being the ship using the context to find it) is repeated to emphasize the appearance of the ghostly ship, making it seem majestic in the poem. Another example is in the first half of part 2, where it states: Water, water, every where, The repetition of the word "water" is used to emphasize the abundance of water in the scene which alerts the reader of the water in the scene.

3. Imagery

3.1. Lots of Imagery is used in Rime of the Ancient Mariner as there are many descriptions; an example being the introduction in part 1 as it thoroughly describes the appearance of the Mariner and setting by building the scene then abruptly cutting to the action where the mariner stops the man.

4. Personification

4.1. Since Rime of the Ancient Mariner is an old text, personification is implemented frequently in the text. For example, in the older times ships were commonly referred as "she" or "her" by many sailors. As used in the parts "Metaphors and Similes" and "Repetition", in part 3 it states: Her lips were red, her looks were free, Her locks were yellow as gold: Her skin was as white as leprosy, Personification is used in this stanza as "her" is used for the ghostly, "death" ship. It gives a human expression to the ship, making it seem like an actual figure but in reality it is just comparing.

5. Euphemism

5.1. Euphemism is basically defined as making something seem less intense as it is. For example, "he passed away" is euphemism for he died, which makes the death of the man seem less tragic by stating that he passed away. Euphemism if used very frequently in Rime of the Ancient Mariner because of its time period; in the olden days lots of euphemism was used in common slang.

6. Allusion

6.1. Allusion is defined as an indirect hidden meaning/message that is not explicitly explained towards the reader. It is usually found by reading context, summarising descriptions and finding small clues of meaning. Allusion is used alot in Rime of the Ancient Mariner, as every part has a meaning.