by Trenton Tindal

1. How do humans effect ecosystems?
1.1. Negatives?
1.1.1. Some habitats get destroyed, not allowing some animals to have homes. Animals could go extinct.
1.2. Positives?
1.2.1. Nature preserves, allowing a lot of animals to have homes.
2. Where do humans stand on the food chain?
2.1. Would humans be included in the food chain?
2.1.1. Yes Mammals
2.1.2. No To advanced for food chains
2.2. On the top of the food chain.
2.3. Not on the food chain.
3. Are humans still evolving?
3.1. In what ways have we evolved?
3.1.1. Used to have a lot of hair to look bigger
3.1.2. Fire
3.1.3. Planes
3.1.4. Cars
3.1.5. Rocket ships// Space travel// Space exploration
3.2. In what ways could we evolve?
3.2.1. Permanent space city
3.2.2. Finding the edge of space// finding there is no edge
3.2.3. Telekenesis
3.2.4. Super Powers