3Dsvet.EU 3D delta printers

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3Dsvet.EU 3D delta printers by Mind Map: 3Dsvet.EU 3D delta printers

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3.1. printer height

3.1.1. 750

3.1.2. 1000

3.2. rods joints

3.2.1. classic ball joints

3.2.2. magnetic joints

3.3. electronics

3.3.1. Arduino Mega + RAMPS + DRV8825

3.3.2. MKS Smoothie board + TFT touch screen

3.4. bed

3.4.1. without heated bed

3.4.2. heated bed

4. Kossel delta XL

4.1. 750

4.2. 1000

5. Kossel delta XXL

5.1. 750

5.2. 1000

5.2.1. Smoothie with heated bed eBay.de

5.2.2. Arduino Mega eBay.de

6. Kossel delta XXL STAR

6.1. 750

6.2. 1000