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D.E.C.I.D.E. por Mind Map: D.E.C.I.D.E.

1. Explore the Alternatives Make a list of possible alternatives for solving your problem. If you need more information to fully understand the problem or any of the alternatives, do the research now.

1.1. 1. tell my friend/s I'm busy

1.2. 2. tell my friend/s I don't think it's a good idea

1.3. 3. say yes and don't tell my parents

2. Identify Your Values Personal values may affect your decisions. Make sure to do the following: Consider your long-term goals as well as the beliefs of your family and culture. Consider your own and others’ health and safety, and your self-respect. Identify those choices that are a good match for your values.

2.1. I know that I've always learned that if I make a bad decision, I'll have to face consequences. Therefore I have to make sure my friend/s and I don't get in trouble and make the wrong decision. As a result option 2 matches my values.

3. Consider the Consequences One by one, think through what might happen if you were to choose each alternative on your list. Be sure to do the following: Include both positive and negative results. Consider what probably would happen, not what you hope would happen. Ask yourself … how risky is each alternative? What are its chances of success? How would it affect my future? How would it affect others?

3.1. Option 1 - Tell my friends I'm busy: I may not have to go to the party, but I may have to tell my friend/s why I'm busy, or in other words come up with an excuse. My friend/s may figure out it's a lie, and would not want to talk to me for some time. This is risky because I'll have to somehow make an excuse that won't be easy enough for my friends to figure out I lied. The chances of success aren't very high. It would affect my future since it would affect my friendship. It would also affect my friends because they'll be angry I lied to them.

3.2. Option 2 - Tell my friend/s I don't think it's a good idea: My friend/s may think it's dumb at first, but there's a small chance that I may be able to let them think it through and have them make the right decision. My friends may not want to talk to me for sometime, but they may realize later that it wasn't a good idea. It is risky because my friend/s won't be happy I said no. The chances of success are high, but it would affect my friendship for some time. It would affect my friends since later they would end up getting into trouble, and then they'll probably realize it wasn't a good idea.

3.3. Option 3 - Say yes, and don't tell my parents: Your friend/s won't be angry at you, but your parents will somehow find out. I'll end up going to the party, but you'll also end up being caught. It is risky because my parents will find out. The chances of success are very low. It would affect my future because my parents will not appreciate me sneaking out. It would affect my friends as well since we all made a bad decision.

4. Define the Problem Consider the decision you are facing and state the issue clearly. Is it important enough to warrant using DECIDE?

4.1. Your friend/s ask you to sneak out to go to a party.

5. Decide and Act Use the information you have collected to compare the alternatives. Decide which one is best for you. Remember, sometimes there is more than one ‘right’ choice. Make a plan to act on your decision. You may need to break the plan into smaller steps. Set realistic deadlines for each step and then follow through with your plan.

5.1. The worst option to pick would be option 3 since both my friend/s and I will end up getting in trouble. The second worst option to pick would be option 1 because lying would affect my friendship. The best option would be option 2 since later my friends will realize they made a bad decision. The plan would be to first convince them it's a bad idea. Then if they go to the party anyway, somehow their parents would find out and they would get in trouble. Afterwards they'll realize it wasn't a good idea.

6. Evaluate the Results. Sometime after you have put your decision into effect, take some time to review it. How did your decision work out? How has it affected your life? How has it affected others? What did you learn? If you could do it over again, what would you do differently?

6.1. My decision worked out because my friends ended up getting into trouble after the party. It affected my life because this time I realized how important it is to make good decisions. It affected my friends because they learned the same thing. I learned that it's better to make decisions for yourself rather than doing whatever your friend/s are doing. If I could do this over again I would tell my parents about so they know that I made a good decision.