Define the Problem:You arrive in your shared room after being out doing activities and discover t...

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Define the Problem:You arrive in your shared room after being out doing activities and discover that your bed is covered with all your roommate's wet clothing and towel por Mind Map: Define the Problem:You arrive in your shared room after being out doing activities and discover that your bed is covered with all your roommate's wet clothing and towel

1. Identify your Values: Keep in mind during all of this you have to remeber to be nice, polite, and calm. If you want your roommate to hear you and understand you and take you seriously, you need to talk like an adult, but at the same time don't be a mom and hound them. Ask them once politely and calmly so you come off as someone who can be responsible and fun.

2. Evaluate the results of your decision: The alternative where you ask them politely would be the best one because it has the possible outcomes are mostly positive. For example when you ask them politely they will see how calm and nice you are and how your making a good point, and in return they will do what your say and they will be calm and polite back. They also will apologise for doing this. Another outcome is that if they lash out of you politely asking them that means somethings wrong. In this case you should talk to them and see whats up. The positive outcome of this is you will get closer with your roommate, you also get the chance to show them that you are an open person, and a caring person.

3. Consider the Consequences: Keep in mind that all these actions have different consequences. If you do yell, your roommate might get mad at you, and may yell back, which could result in you guys having a fight about something as little as picking up your stuff, which is not worth getting into a fight over. Although, if you chose to ask them politely and to add a laugh at the end to make it seem friendly the consequence of that will most probably be your roommate picking up his/her stuff and him/her apologising for doing it and wont do it again. Adding on to this would also be picking it up for them and asking them to do it next time. The consequence for this would turn out good as well because it shows that you are not upset, because you pick it up for them. But at the same time you ask them to pick it up, and this shows that they shouldn't take advantage of you because you asked them. If the good consequences turn bad and your roommate still gets mad at your for asking them, there could be a reason. A, you may be hounding them about picking it up, just ask your roommate once and tell them that they are taking up some of your space, and if they don't pick it up after that don't hound them. Ask maybe a few days later if they could do it again. B, maybe they are upset about something and lashing out on you, in this case just talk to them.

4. Explore the Alternative: You need to see what different types of actions you can take in this situation. You have to remember to be polite in this situation because otherwise the person your talking to might not take you seriously if you start to yell or get mad. One example would be to first ask them politely to please pick up after themselves and add a laugh at the end to make it friendly. Another example would be to pick it up yourself and then remind them after, and show them that you are not upset but you are also serious because you do it for them and ask them as well.

5. Decide and Act: You want to make these decision because it helps you become a better person. In way it can teach you to be patient, and be calm in situations like these in the future. This type of decision can also show that you (if your are normally a fun and childish person) also are responsible. For example, asking nicely and being calm about it can show the person that you are being responsible but also showing the reality that they are taking up space that is yours, and it is a bit rude.