During CWW OR a PE lesson you are asked to do an activity that you are afraid of

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During CWW OR a PE lesson you are asked to do an activity that you are afraid of por Mind Map: During CWW OR a PE lesson you are asked to do an activity that you are afraid of

1. Identity your value: 1)This is more of something that suits me. A great example would be the challenge course that we did last class. I was going to give up because I was terrified about the height. But, at the end I still did it, and I figured out it was not as scary as it looked like. 2)This is not my characteristic. I will mostly try the things that I didn't try before or I'm afraid of. But there's time where it is really not my day, or I am sick, then I will stand back and watch my classmates do it instead. And if I could help with something, I will.

2. Decide: I will choose to give it a try, and do my best at it. It doesn't matter, if I succeed or not, I need to at least give myself a chance to prove if I could manage the challenge. This is what I will do if I face situations like this.

3. Evaluate: I think this is the best decision that I could come up with. I get someone wouldn't want to do this, because they are afraid that they are going to fail and their peers will laugh at them. This is understandable, but I still feel like you never know what your amazing could do. Always try. And there's nothing wrong with trying. If you did it, then great job, you discovered something brand new about yourself. If on the other hand, you failed, then you know at least I tried, and I will keep on trying until I achieve the expectations. Either way is okay, but I will definitely try no matter what.

4. Explore Alternatives: 1) Cheer yourselves up, and try your best to complete the task. 2)Stand back, give in into your fears and let your teacher give you another task.

5. Consider the consequences: 1) you will feel proud and may have a different idea or feeling the next time before you do it again. 2) You will always have this fear in you, until you finally give it a try, and you might be over your nerves after that.