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STEM by Mind Map: STEM

1. Social Science

1.1. Teaches how to take in truths

1.2. Determining facts and fallacies.

1.3. Understanding human nature.

1.4. Opinion, Fact, and Guess

1.5. What's beyond human thinking.

2. English (Oral Communication)

2.1. Way of speaking is practiced.

2.2. Different Speech Styles.

2.3. teaches us behavior when and where to speak.

2.4. How to do Public Speaking right and appropriate.

2.5. Orations, Activities, and Participation

3. Filipino

3.1. Focused on the origin of our language.

3.2. Introduction to different types, sorts of our language.

3.3. When and where to use language.

4. Empowerment Technology

4.1. Introduction to different useful Computer software.

4.2. Using Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, etc. to make our works easier.

4.3. Editing skills and creativity is practiced.

4.4. Teaches us to use the computer and the internet for good purposes only(10 Computer Commandments).

5. Promoting to use our own language as in terms of communicating.

6. Angle Measurement


7.1. STEM'S specialized subject

7.2. More on Geometry

7.3. Specific Values

7.4. Circles

8. General Mathematcs

8.1. probability, functions, statistics

8.2. Already taken up in junior high, but then only the level of difficulty is changed.

8.3. Polynomial Functions, Expressions, Algebra, Trigonometry.

9. Earth Science

9.1. Earth's Composition

9.2. Origin of the earth

9.3. What happen below the earth's surface

9.4. Tackles different theories about the earth.

10. Physical Education

10.1. How to be Physically fit.

10.2. How to take care of our body.

10.3. Take precautions, and proper hygiene.