International Relations

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International Relations により Mind Map: International Relations

1. India-Pakistan conflict

1.1. United States

2. Peacekeeping

2.1. Romeo Dallaire

2.1.1. Rwandan Genocide

3. Projects

3.1. Brochure Lebanon-Israeli

3.2. Presentation Lebanon-Israeli

3.3. Essay on Rwandan Genocide

3.4. Essay on "If you want peace prepare for war"

4. Killers

4.1. Serial killer

4.2. Homocide killer

4.3. Mass murder

5. International community of red cross

5.1. Geneva conventions

5.1.1. 4 conventions

5.1.2. 3 protocols

6. United Nations

6.1. General Assembly

6.1.1. meets regularly to talk about the problems.

6.2. Security Council

6.2.1. Maintain peace and security

6.3. Secratariat

6.3.1. administrative work

6.4. The economic and social council

6.4.1. encourages development

6.5. The trusteeship council

6.5.1. helps governments to attain independence and self-government

6.6. The international court of justice

6.6.1. provides advice between disputing countries

7. Terroism

8. Wars

8.1. Civil war

8.2. Total war

8.3. Hegemonic war

8.4. Limited war

8.5. Guerilla war